Video works that sit somewhere between animated paintings and pop videos from hell, narrative free slices of imagery and noise, more algorithm than art.
Friday, 5 July 2019
Why is this here?
The purpose of this blog is to provide a context to my video work, this could include pre-production stills details of process, snippets of code and the thinking behind pieces as well as links to other artists and musicians who influence me. It will be a living breathing document of the projects but will be subject to revision and deletion, at least until I lose interest in it, a bit of a bowdlerised scrapbook. I will also post links to past projects from time to time.
Maps of Flatter Worlds
My video work is an attempt to make animated paintings with audio, which fits within the cannon of abstraction. Hence the revisiting of a pa...

A collection of short films called One Minute Volume 9 as curated by Kerry Baldry is now online. Here is the link
230402_A to D: First drawings for April in the a series of landscape drawings made in the Chilterns and North Wessex Downs AONBs, mainl...
Another narrative from the Moons of the Solar System series channelling my inner 'dieselpunk' and using something very close...