Video works that sit somewhere between animated paintings and pop videos from hell, narrative free slices of imagery and noise, more algorithm than art.
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Due to the somewhat surreal nature of life during lockdown and in a response to it I am currently working on a new video ('WaveForm' is on hold, about 75% completed). This creeping through the looking glass slow motion car crash that is the Covid 19 crisis just too bigger emotional sink hole to ignore (...and I had the digital equivalent of off-cuts to use up). The project has three angles, a computer simulation of the virus, a faux word search and a Kaleidoscope. Hoping to use some natural sound in the audio but that will depend on circumstances, currently the soundtrack is using sequenced guitar samples, but they have been shifted so far from the source as to be almost unrecognisable. I am trying to dispense entirely with rhythm in the audio and move towards a fractured but smooth audio texture only.
Maps of Flatter Worlds
My video work is an attempt to make animated paintings with audio, which fits within the cannon of abstraction. Hence the revisiting of a pa...

A collection of short films called One Minute Volume 9 as curated by Kerry Baldry is now online. Here is the link
230402_A to D: First drawings for April in the a series of landscape drawings made in the Chilterns and North Wessex Downs AONBs, mainl...
Another narrative from the Moons of the Solar System series channelling my inner 'dieselpunk' and using something very close...