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Artists statement

Aspects of my current work that refer back to working with traditional materials, the fracturing and recombining of sound and vision have been a consistent method from collage through painting, leading to coding and writing patches in PureData to provide random edits to obsolete hardware samplers. This systematic approach to deconstructing audio forms subverting the short form of the song with chunks of white noise and random edits of sequences led to writing software tools in Processing to make drawing difficult. The deliberate degradation of audio through effects pedals and bit reduction led to applying the same techniques to video, the sporadic use of compression artefacts within sequences that with themselves be compressed for distribution via digital networks layers an additional patina of chance over meaning. The use of text on screen provides an additional layer of random and serendipitous connections.

Maps of Flatter Worlds

My video work is an attempt to make animated paintings with audio, which fits within the cannon of abstraction. Hence the revisiting of a pa...