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Monday, 23 November 2020



Part two here, now it is back to the parked Waveform project and the Akai S2000 with hand drawn sounds inspired in part by Daphne Oram



A companion piece to CORONASCOPE. Inspired by walking through the countryside and hitting the mindless calm repetition of one foot in front of the other moving through a landscape of incredible complexity, where everything is unique but slightly different, grouped together in sets by consciousness. I had also been reading a lot about the birth of techno in Detroit and was struck by the parallels between the urban and rural landscapes. The nature of techno with seemingly endless repetition but subtle complexity connects seamlessly with the fractals of nature. Now live on Vimeo part 2 to follow

Maps of Flatter Worlds

My video work is an attempt to make animated paintings with audio, which fits within the cannon of abstraction. Hence the revisiting of a pa...